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What The Bible Really Says

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Why Do We "Interpret" Scripture rather than just believing it? Have you ever proved the doctrines and teachings of your Christian church are in alignment with the Word of God? Have you ever learned how to really study the Bible to see what does Scripture actually say about going to heaven, Sabbath vs Sunday worship, divorce, the Trinity, lying, tithing, celebrating Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, what is the Rapture, Gay relationships, actually being Once Saved Always Saved, this being the only day of salvation for everyone, and are the ten commandments for Christians? Are many churches teaching false doctrine that causes us to sin?

Bible Studies That Show What The Bible Actually Says About False Teachings, Doctrines, And Beliefs

Below is a link to a series of Studies on the Gateway To Jesus Ministries main website. They ask, what does the bible actually say about a number of topics doctrines, teachings and beliefs, some of which you may have yourself. We will look at the literal Words of our Creator and not some interpretation, of what He plainly speaks to us. See the surprising truth about teachings many people believe, but are NOT really in Scripture. Do not be afraid to question how your church interprets Scripture. Denominational bias is behind much of the misunderstanding of the Word of God. Study for yourself to see the actual words that were plainly spoken! Here is a list of the subjects you will find there.

Should Christians Still Keep the TEN COMMANDMENTS?


Why Should I Be A CHRISTIAN?

WHO IS JESUS And Why Do I Need Him?

If I BELIEVE IN JESUS Will He Really Save Me?

What Does the Bible Say About LYING?

Does Scripture Tell Us Anything About HALLOWEEN?

What Does The Bible Actually Say About SABBATH OR SUNDAY WORSHIP AND REST?

Does Scripture Really Say Anything About Christians TITHING?

Does Scripture Actually Say We Should Celebrate CHRISTMAS?

Should Christians Observe PASSOVER, or GOOD FRIDAY?

Does The Bible Actually Say Anything About EASTER?

Does Scripture Really Say Anything About DIVORCE?

Does The Bible Really Teach Us That We Have An IMMORTAL SOUL?

When We Die Does Scripture Actually Say We Go To HEAVEN?

Does The Bible Actually Tell Us There Is A RAPTURE?

Do The Scriptures Teach Us About Being ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED?

Do The Scriptures Teach About Today Being THE ONLY DAY OF SALVATION?

Does The Word Of God Actually Teach Us About THE TRINITY?

Does The Bible Say Anything About BEING GAY?

See It All Right Here ---- "What The Bible Really Says About What You Believe"

See Things The Scriptures Never Really Said About Common Beliefs That People Actually Believe Are True

Things Jesus And The Bible Never Really Said

Is Gods Judgment On America Because We Really Do not Do What He Says? Visit This Site To Find Out.

Is God Judging America With Record Punishing Judgments?

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Inspirational Short Stories & Uplifting Inspirational Writings

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Short Encouraging Stories & Encouraging Writings

Inspirational & Encouraging Thoughts For The Day

Thought For The Day

Some Final Thoughts About What The Bible Really Says And False Teachings, Doctrines, And Beliefs

If your beliefs are not true because your church is teaching false doctrine and not teaching you how to really study Scripture to know the truth, would you like to know it? Most believers assume their beliefs are really true doctrines from the Good Book. Few believers ever really study Scripture and then PROVE that their beliefs really are as the Word of God literally says. Most people believe the false doctrines and teachings they have been taught by their parents and church about telling white lies, getting a divorce, going to heaven being our reward, keeping Sunday as the day of rest instead of the Sabbath, tithing and giving to God, celebrating holidays like Halloween, Christmas and Easter, who or what is the Holy Spirit, Gay relationships, the Rapture before the great tribulation, being "Once Saved Always Saved", this being the only day of salvation for everyone, and Christians keeping all ten commandments .

Things The Scriptures Do NOT Say About Common Beliefs And Doctrines

You have now learned how to study the Scriptures to find true answers to many questions. By reading these studies you saw the plain words literally spoken in the Scriptures. Just as importantly you learned about things Scripture does not tell us about going to heaven when you die, Christians telling "Little White Lies", Sabbath or Sunday worship, Christians tithing, celebrating holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, the Trinity, Gay and Lesbian sex, Christians getting a divorce, a Rapture of the church, Christians having eternal security by being Once Saved Always Saved, Christians keeping the ten commandments, today being the only day of salvation for everyone in the world. Rather than believing doctrines your church teaches about these doctrines without question, or in any commentary or study, you are encouraged to study the scriptures and to see for yourself the actual words spoken there. This knowledge is between you and God. You can choose to continue to listen to the false doctrines and teachings that are based on biased interpretation that men in your church teach about these subjects, or you can listen to what the Scriptures actually say and get into alignment with the WILL of God. Think about the truth of these doctrines as you plan this year for celebrating Christmas, observing Easter, and celebrating Halloween. Do you really believe you will get into the Kingdom of Heaven by breaking the ten commandments, engaging in Gay sex, and disobeying the various laws of God?

Today you have had the opportunity to learn the literal words of God, His plain words about these church doctrines and teachings. Will you do anything with this knowledge? Will you turn away from your sins and obey the commandments and laws of God?

Why did only 120 people accept the words of Jesus and become Christians, when He was on earth, while the Jewish religious majority did not? Why do most Christians not really believe the simple words of Scripture today? Just like in Jesus day people see the Word Of God but do not perceive it. They hear the truth but do not understand it. Consider today with an open heart, open ears, and open mind the truth about going to heaven, Sunday or Sabbath worship, tithing, celebrating Christmas, celebrating Easter, and celebrating Halloween, the Trinity, Gay relationships, the Rapture, being Once Saved Always Saved, keeping the ten commandments, the day of salvation, and divorce. Then ask yourself..... Do you believe your church teachings about these doctrines, or do you believe the Word of your Creator? Is it about time you listen to the real truth and forget about that upcoming divorce, start keeping the ten commandments and rest on the Sabbath instead of Sunday, quit telling ALL lies, and stop celebrating pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter?

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